Weird migraine symptoms
Anyone who experiences migraines (or is close to someone that does) knows that migraine is so much more than a headache. We all know about nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to light, noise and smell – but there are many, many other migraine symptoms which are often overlooked.
For example, my partner used to be able to tell I had a migraine on the way when one of my eyes would water, or the eye would become smaller. If I have trouble talking or finding the right word, then I take that as a sign to put into place my migraine-avoiding strategies. asked their Facebook community for their “strangest” migraine symptoms:
Sore eye lashes
Memory loss
Mood swings
Scalp hurts
Hearing loss
Stiff neck
Tooth pain
Metallic taste
Difficulty speaking
Vibrations in arm or chest
Excessive urination
Restless legs
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Energy burst
Symptoms source:
As we all experience migraines very differently, it can be useful to start keeping a diary of your own migraines, and write down as many symptoms that you notice before, during and after a migraine. Understanding your early symptoms and treating your migraine as soon as you notice them, is your best chance of avoiding a full-blown migraine attack.